Any amount helps us achieve our goals

White Feather Historical and Educational Project (WFHEP) of Trinity Episcopal Church was made possible by the Charlottesville Area Community Foundation’s Heal Charlottesville Fund of 2018.  The White Feather Historical and Educational Project works toward developing a historical, educational, and healing environment within the Charlottesville Community and surrounding localities 

The WFHEP provides workshops, resources and open dialogue based on the understanding that historically, racism is a social construct-designed to develop a system of hierarchy maintained through power and control.  We strive to overcome this system through establishing a peaceful and loving coexistence within Charlottesville and the community at large.  We continue to create a means through which we will gather as communities of faith disallowing ageism, sexism, ablism, classism, heterosexism, and oppression. 

Please click the following link to donate which will afford donors the opportunity to support The White Feather Project’s events. If you have questions please contact our church administrator at 804-293-3157.